Cooperatives Europe is the voice of cooperative enterprises in Europe

On behalf of its 84 member organisations from 33 European countries across all business sectors it promotes the cooperative business model in Europe.

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  What? A participatory workshop with testimonials and discussions hosted by ConcertES, UNIPSO, Cooperatives Europe, Social Good Accelerator at the conference on the social economy and the future of Europe. This conference, organised French Presidency of the Council of the EU, took place in Strasbourg. It was an opportunity to debate...



Following the publication of the Commission’s Action Plan for Social Economy (SEAP) Cooperatives Europe provides comments through its European Union Coordination Committee.  Our position highlights the following priorities which should be addressed: The Commission must work on better defining social economy in order to build a common understanding across...



From 15 to 17 March, we co-hosted workshop 5 “Building a democratic economy for a just transition” with Social Economy Europe, SOLIDAR, the European Environmental Bureau, and the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) at the Civil Society Days on March 2022. The yearly event organized by the EESC...



On Thursday, December 9, the European Commission unveiled its much-anticipated Action Plan on Social Economy (SEAP)   The Action Plan aims at creating a favourable ecosystem for social economy actors in Europe to thrive. It proposes key measures on accessing finance, visibility, regulatory frameworks and is organised around three main...
_SCC 2nd event



On August 26 the Sharing, Collaboration, Cooperation (SCC) Erasmus+ project hosted its final event to present its outcomes and conclusions. Together we explored the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on co-working spaces, and their subsequent transformation into inclusive collaborative spaces. The past two years have proven to be challenging, the Covid-19 pandemic...
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  What? A participatory workshop with testimonials and discussions hosted by ConcertES, UNIPSO, Cooperatives Europe, Social Good Accelerator at the conference on the social economy and the future of Europe. This conference, organised French Presidency of the Council of the EU, took place in Strasbourg. It was an opportunity to debate...
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Cooperatives Europe engages in numerous partnerships with different stakeholders all over Europe.


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