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A participatory workshop with testimonials and discussions hosted by ConcertES, UNIPSO, Cooperatives Europe, Social Good Accelerator at the conference on the social economy and the future of Europe.

This conference, organised French Presidency of the Council of the EU, took place in Strasbourg. It was an opportunity to...


From 15 to 17 March, we co-hosted workshop 5 “Building a democratic economy for a just transition” with Social Economy Europe, SOLIDAR, the European Environmental Bureau, and the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) at the Civil Society Days on March 2022. The yearly event organized by the EESC was...

_GA 2021 (2)


2021 is an Election year.

On 24 September we held the 2021 General Assembly in Paris to elect the new President and Board members.

As cooperators, it is in our nature to thrive off meeting, collaborating and building up people-centred communities, together. 

This edition took place partly virtual and partly physical...

_SCC 2nd event


On August 26 the Sharing, Collaboration, Cooperation (SCC) Erasmus+ project hosted its final event to present its outcomes and conclusions. Together we explored the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on co-working spaces, and their subsequent transformation into inclusive collaborative spaces.

The past two years have proven to be challenging, the Covid-19...



Next 3 July, the International Day of Cooperatives (#CoopsDay) will be celebrated as Rebuild better together.

Cooperatives around the world will showcase how they are meeting the COVID-19 pandemic crisis with solidarity and resilience and offering communities a people-centred and environmentally just recovery.

#CoopsDay will be the occasion to...

webinar 16 June 2021 1600-18


Post-Covid Europe, Cooperatives and Gender Equality to Rebuild Back Better

First public meeting of the Cooperatives Europe Gender Equality Working Group


Implementing its gender equality charter, Cooperatives Europe’s Gender Equality Working Group organized its first webinar on 16th of June on the topic of rebuilding back better post-covid...


EDD21: Looking to a green and inclusive transition cooperatively driven by youth

On 15 and 16 June , Cooperatives Europe participated, under the ICA-EU Partnership on international cooperative development (#coops4dev), in the 2021 European Development Days (#EDD21),  the EU paramount event on international development. 

This year, EDD21 –...

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Sharing, Collaboration, Cooperation (SCC) Erasmus+ project will host a webinar on the 8th of June at 15.30 (CEST) to explore the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on co-working spaces, and their subsequent transformation into inclusive collaborative spaces.

The distinctive advantage of collaborative spaces are the communities and opportunities that...



As cooperators, it is in our nature to thrive off meeting, collaborating and building up people-centered communities, together. This year we were set to meet in Cardiff (hosted by our patient hosts Wales Co-operative Centre), which would have proven to be an ever so needed moment for formal and informal...



Next 3 July, the International Day of Cooperatives (#CoopsDay) will be celebrated as “Rebuild better together”. Cooperatives around the world will showcase how they are meeting the COVID-19 pandemic crisis with solidarity and resilience and offering communities a people-centred and environmentally just recovery.

In the fields of health, agriculture,...

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#Coops4dev will host the second Global Youth Forum (GYF21), this time in an online format.  The Global Youth Forum – Cooperative Entrepreneurship aims at bringing together young entrepreneurs and professionals from all around the world in order to offer them quality training sessions to improve their skills, knowledge, and motivation. The...