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SE4Ces:Joining Social Economy Forces towards Community development, Connected societies, Co-creation of knowledge and Collaborative education practices.

With greater levels of uncertainty, social inequalities and unemployment as a result of economic and socio-political forces, Social Economy has proven to be part of the solution to address the needs of people to create stable employment and promote social inclusion.


Horizon2020 project CO-FRESH – Co-creating sustainable and competitive fruits and vegetables’ value chains in Europe CO-FRESH is an innovation action project funded by the European Union’s research and innovation programme Horizon2020, with the aim to promote more sustainable and efficient agri-food value chains through concrete actions and approaches. The project, with a duration of 42 months […]

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The inclusion of an entrepreneurship approach, and more concretely a cooperative entrepreneurship approach, within the Higher Education context is lacking as stated by the European Commission in a report released on February 28th 2017, “An agenda for the modernization of higher education”. This gap is covered by Coop4EDU project, by accomplishing with the above mentioned priority […]

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August 2020: Caracol toolkit released “Sharing, Collaboration, Cooperation” is a strategic partnership bringing together co-working spaces, higher educational institutions, innovation communities and international networks / umbrella organizations. The project counts 8 partners and has been co-funded by the Erasmus + programme.  The development and democratization of digital technologies has had continuous and profound socio-economic impacts: it […]

Screenshot 2020-09-24 at 17 The current generation of young people is faced with a double challenge: socially motivated youth are met with mass unemployment, precarious jobs and lack of inclusion on the job market. Cooperatives are convinced that they are the innovative answer rising up to the challenge, offering sustainable, participatory and socially responsible way of doing business […]

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Click here for article ‘Policy topic – Cooperative Development Support’ Discover  Click here for Cooperatives Europe Development Platform ICA-EU Partnership (#coops4dev) In March 2016, Cooperatives Europe together with the ICA entered into a partnership with the European Commission as part of its commitment to support the Civil Society Organisations active in international development. The partnership […]

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Currently there are 20 million SMEs operating in all economic sectors and business transfers are an uptapped source of economic dynamism. TransfertoCOOPS project develops a practical and pragmatic approach to improve the environment for transferring businesses to cooperatives and raise awareness about the cooperative benefits in Europe.  Some of the objectives include identification and assessment […]

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Have a look at the project’s website. Cooperatives Europe will be partner of iCareCoops, a European Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) project which aims to integrate modern technologies in the support and promotion of European elderly care via using the form of cooperatives. Project Over the next 40 years the proportion of the population over the age of […]

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‘The Power of Cooperation – Cooperatives Europe Key Figures 2015’. The report brings forward the impact of cooperatives across Europe, which provide more than 4.7 million jobs and have a total annual turnover of 1,005 billion Euros – more than the GDP of Finland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden combined. Significant information with up-to-date facts and figures […]

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The current economic crisis is hitting European businesses hard, and younger generations are paying most of the bill. We are convinced that now more than ever cooperatives are the business model of the future and they are key to sustainable prosperity. As cooperative organisations, we feel a great responsibility to find ways to contribute to […]


Go to ‘Cooperatives in development’ online platform The project – ‘Cooperatives in development’ is a project lead by Cooperatives Europe and co-financed by the European Commission under the Non-State Actors (NSA) grant scheme. The project builds upon the activities of the Cooperatives Europe Development Platform (CEDP). In 2008, driven by its members’ interests in development and […]

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There has been a recognition that cooperatives can make an impact in the area of renewable energy. Therefore, alongside our Energy Working Group Cooperatives Europe has become a partner of the REScoop project. REScoops are Renewable Energy Source cooperatives. Cooperatives Europe is one of twelve organizations taking part in REScoop project funded for three years. […]