Cooperatives in development | CEDP | ICA-EU Partnership

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Click here for Cooperatives Europe Development Platform

ICA-EU Partnership (#coops4dev)

In March 2016, Cooperatives Europe together with the ICA entered into a partnership with the European Commission as part of its commitment to support the Civil Society Organisations active in international development. The partnership was achieved thanks to the work of Cooperatives Europe Development Platform (CEDP), promoting the potential of cooperative enterprises in development and thus earning cooperatives recognition within the relevant EU development policies over the recent years. In 2012 cooperatives were formally recognised as important civil society actors by the EU, covering areas such as social inclusion and economic empowerment. The project is to run until 31 August 2020.

The ICA-EU partnership aims to bring the co-operative model to the next level within international development policies and programs. It is built around activities focused on increasing visibility, enhancing advocacy, sharing capacity building, strengthening co-operative development networking, and supporting all these with evidence from exhaustive research.

Acting as partners, the regional and global offices of the ICA are driving the actions, in collaboration with members, civil society organisations, international institutions and the EU.Find out more about the role co-operatives play in development by following #coops4dev

Cooperatives Europe Development Platform (CEDP).

The ICA-EU partnership agreement stems from the dedicated work of the CEDP, which aims to facilitate international cooperative development, integrate cooperatives into development policies, and to advocate for the cooperative business model.

Currently the following organisations are member of the platform: Cera (BE),  The Co-operative College (UK), DGRV (DE), Legacoop (IT), Confcooperative-Coopermondo (IT), Fédération Nationale des Cumas (FR), Kooperationen (DK), WeEffect (SE), Euro Coop (EU), Cecop-Cicopa Europe (EU).

View the website of CEDP:

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