

Policy Topics




On 18th of February, the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the Recovery and Resilience Facility entered into force, following its signature on 12th of February. Cooperatives Europe welcomes EU’s recovery plan, which will make €672,5 billion in grants and loans available for public investment...
SME Strategy cooperatives europe



Yesterday, the European Parliament adopted in plenary session the new report of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE), titled ‘A new strategy for European SMEs.’    Cooperatives Europe welcomes the report with several references to cooperatives, which highlights the need to update the SME strategy in the light of the Covid-19...
Green Covid-19 Simple Directory Hotlines Twitter Post (1)



High level discussion on cooperative entrepreneurship in higher education & learning modules released  On 17th and 24th of November Cooperatives Europe and KU Leuven hosted the final multiplier events for the Coop4EDU Erasmus+ project. Over 100 participants attended the two sessions online, titled “Cooperative entrepreneurship in higher education,” which saw...



On 1 December, Cooperatives Europe, Fair Trade Advocacy Office and CONCORD launched their joint report “Mind our business: Amplify the transformative power of sustainable and inclusive business models through EU external action”. The vast impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has shown once again that the European Union and its Member States should actively contribute...
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On 27th of November, the European Parliament set out a blueprint for a new Industrial Strategy for Europe, shifting its approach from the original strategy published in March 2020 in order to help businesses cope with the Covid-19 crisis as well as implement the environmental twin transitions.  The new...
A sustainable future - with cooperatives



Common statement   Scientists say that the next 10 years are critical to minimise the existential threat that climate change and environmental degradation pose to the world. Striving to be the first climate-neutral continent, the European Green Deal is the European Union’s commitment to work towards systemic change, rethinking...
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Cooperatives Europe, together with the partners of the Coopstarter 2.0 Erasmus+ project, held the final event of the project on August 20th, titled “Supporting the emergence of a EU-wide dynamic for youth entrepreneurship.” The event was held online in two sessions due to current travel restrictions. The morning session...



Cooperatives Europe released its Gender Equality Charter on 2nd of October. The document, approved by the General Assembly, is a commitment by Cooperatives Europe to strengthen its activities in closing the gender gap as well as a call to its members to implement the 10 commitments in their respective...
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Sharing, Collaboration, Cooperation (SCC) project, led by Cooperatives Europe, has released the Caracol toolkit.  This toolkit is a one-stop-shop for catalyst agents of collaborative experiences willing to involve academic institutions, students, citizens, organisations in the set up and creation of collaborative spaces, as well as opening up their training and learning offer to...