

Policy Topics



On September 28-29, 2012 the Cyprus Presidency of the Council of the EU hosted a high-level cooperative conference in Nicosia as part of the EU’s contributions to the UN International Year of Cooperatives. Around 200 participants attended the event, which was organised by Cooperatives Europe and the Cypriot Authority...
Man in front of solar panel



Cooperative enterprises put forward a decentralized energy system as a better solution for today’s energy challenges. To bring this discussion to a wider audience, Cooperatives Europe will host three workshop sessions and a film viewing to look at the idea of bringing Power to the people. Bringing together diverse...
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On September 12, 2012 the European Commission released the communication ‘The roots of democracy and sustainable development: Europe’s engagement with Civil Society in External relations’. The communication defines Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) as a wide range of actors, with different roles and mandates, including membership-based, cause-based and service oriented...
Hands holding world



On September 15, 2012 a new project lead by Cooperatives Europe started: ‘Cooperatives in development’. The action, which is co-financed by the European Commission under the Non-State Actors grant scheme, builds upon the activities of the Cooperatives Europe Development Policy Group (DPG). The DPG was established by Cooperatives Europe...



Cooperatives Europe intervened at the EU conference on employment policy organised by the European Commission: “Jobs for Europe – the employment policy conference” on September 6, 2012. This high-level conference was opened by speeches from the EU’s three key leaders – the President of EU Commission, Mr. José Manuel...
Benoit Hamon



French Minister Benoît Hamon, in charge of social and solidarity economy, on September 6 participated in the Social Economy Intergoup at the European Parliament. The theme of the hearing was “Social economy, growth and employment”.   In his intervention, Hamon said: “In France cooperatives have shown great resilience to...
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On 3rd July 2012 Cooperatives Europe, COSV, the Union of Co-operatives of Montenegro and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development hosted the joint conference ‘The Case for Gateway Co-operatives in Montenegro and the Balkans’. The event was organized in the framework of the EU funded project developing co-operative...
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On 7th July 2012 co-operative businesses around the world will celebrate the International Day of Co-operatives. Mr Ban Ki Moon, Secretary General of the United Nations, launched a strong message to governments around the world in order to encourage them to create more awareness and to pursue policies for...



Co-operatives have a long history of building partnerships and networks amongs themselves. After all, co-operation among co-operatives is the seventh co-operative principle. In a globalised world, the challenge for the co-operative movement is to improve the capacity of building partnerships and networks at international level. At the same time this offers many opportunities for young co-operators...
power to the people



On 19 June 2012 Co-operatives Europe, Euro Coop and CECODHAS Housing Europe hosted a joint high-level conference in the framework of the EU Sustainable Energy Week in Brussels. The objective of the event – “Power to the People: Can citizens lead Europe’s future energy strategy?” – was to create...