On June 26th, Cooperatives Europe and Rescoop organised the high level policy conference ‘Big energy: Small Energy? The role of cooperation for the EU’s energy transition’. The event was held at the European Commission as part of the EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW). The Energy 2020 Communication states that...
On June 25th, Othmar Karas, the vice-president of the European Parliament together with Antonio Tajani, the vice-president of the European Commission, chaired ‘Europe works for SMEs’ conference at the European Parliament, where new measures in order to access to finance from the EU were presented. The European Commission launched...
On 5th June, Cooperatives Europe and Fair Trade Advocacy Office join forces to underline the role that people-centred businesses should have in the EU development strategy. To this end they organized the high level conference ‘People-centred businesses: making supply chains work for small producers’, hosted by MEP Gay Mitchell....
On 6th May, Dirk Lehnhoff was elected president of Cooperatives Europe. 90% of the members of Cooperatives Europe participated in the elections and two thirds voted in the new president as well as the new Board of Cooperatives Europe at the 2013 General Assembly of Cooperatives Europe in Istanbul. Lehnhoff...
On 16th April the EU Parliament rejected the EU Commission’s proposal to raise the price of carbon by delaying the auctioning of emission allowances. Prices of allowances will therefore remain low at least until 2020 -unless the Commission will take urgent actions against it- and the ETS (European Trading...
The European Parliament unanimously embraced on the 14th of March an initiative report on the Statute for a European Mutual society. The report emphasizes that a statute for a European mutual society will create an optional instrument of law for mutual societies that, for instance, would allow them to...
Important changes are expected in the EU’s new development and cooperation budget as the European Union is preparing its next multi-annual financial plan for 2014-2020. In particular, a new programme dedicated to civil society organisations and local authorities will replace the Non State Actors programme. This change follows the...
EU Commission Vice-president Tajani presented on February 19th the new Entrepreneurship 2020 Action plan to the Competitiveness Council. Through a pro-active entrepreneurship policy, the plan aims to create jobs, growth and a more competitive economy. A follow-up of this debate is planned at the informal ministerial meeting of May...