International Women’s Day: Gender Equality for a sustainable tomorrow

This year, for International Women’s Day on 8 March, we recognise the contribution of women and girls all over Europe who are leading the way to build a sustainable future for all. International Women’s Day presents us with an opportunity to celebrate their political, social, economic and cultural achievements.

We know that advancing gender equality in the context of the climate crisis and disaster risk reduction remains one of the greatest global challenges of the 21st century. The developments in Ukraine, and any other conflict at this time for that matter, present a whole new layer to an already challenging reality. Women feel first-hand the devastating impact that war, climate change, and poverty have on their families and their communities.

Amidst the fighting and violence surrounding them, women want to take a leading role in setting up cooperation beyond borders. It is a testament to their courage, strength and resilience even in the worst circumstances. An unprecedented solidarity movement has taken shape. Women across Europe unite seeking to uphold shared values of equality, solidarity, democracy, peace and respect for the communities.

Women cooperators know without stability and peace today, a sustainable future cannot be built. We are very proud of the many initiatives they have taken to call for peace, to provide the essential needs of refugees, and to provide humanitarian aid to the regions most affected. These women and girls will inspire new generations with the confidence to push forward and achieve their goals. Those new generations in their turn will safeguard cooperative values and principles.

Women and girl cooperators continuously show that they are effective and powerful change-makers. They are involved in sustainability initiatives all over Europe, and their participation and leadership result in more effective climate action. We will continue to support them, to empower them to use their voice to create a more equitable society for all.

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