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On 27th and 28th of April the Young European Cooperators Network (YECN) held a General Assembly in Malta, parallel to the GA of Cooperatives Europe. The meeting was an opportunity for the 20 young people from 9 European countries to share projects and initiatives that have emerged from...



On 27th of April, Jean Louis Bancel was unanimously elected as the new President of Cooperatives Europe in Malta during the 2017 General Assembly hosted by Koperattivi Malta.

Jean Louis Bancel currently holds the post of President at Coop FR, the French national cooperative apex organisation, and is President of...



Join Cooperatives Europe at the International Summit of Cooperatives as well as at the pre-summit activities! 

Register here 

The International Summit of Cooperatives is the world’s leading event for business development in the cooperative and mutual community.  By demonstrating that cooperatives are one answer to the major socioeconomic issues of...

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On 15 and 16 June, Cooperatives Europe and its Cooperatives Europe Development Platform (CEDP) participated in the European Development Days (EDD) 2016 – an annual forum on development and international cooperation organised by the European Commission. Featured under the theme “Prosperity – Trade, growth and sustainable development”, the stand...

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With the current generation of young Europeans facing the same issues of unemployment and social exclusion across the whole continent, the newly established Cooperatives Europe Youth Network looks to the cooperative model to seek solutions for the challenges of today’s youth.  

On 20 and 21 May, Cooperatives Europe and...



This year’s Cooperatives Europe General Assembly will take place in Brussels on April 20. Online registrations are open from March 7 – April 15.

Working languages: English, French, Russian.

Draft programme

09.30 – 10.00h        Registration of participants

10.00 – 11.15h        Opening Ceremony – ...

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The European Network of Young Cooperators is meeting for the third time. The event will take place on 18th and 19th April in Brussels, right before the General Assembly of Cooperatives Europe. The first day will be dedicated to statutory business, where the network will be incorporated in...

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On October 22, we will co-organise the event Coop Break – Light my fire – The energy transition, an opportunity for cooperative energy-production together with Cera-Group and Coopburo.





11.00 a.m. Arrival with coffee
11.30 a.m. Welcome and introduction by Franky Depickere, Chairman of the International Raiffeisen Union (IRU)...


The activities of Cooperatives Europe Young Co-operators Network have started. The next meeting of the network will take place in Bologna and Milan on September 22-23 within the framework of Expo Milan. The Emilia Romagna Region in partnership with Alleanza delle Cooperative Italiane, Generazioni Legacoop Emilia-Romagna and OOP! Giovani Impreditori Cooperativi...

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Director of Cooperatives Europe Klaus Niederländer will moderate the policy conference ‘Innovative partnerships between local authorities and citizens for energy efficiency investments’ within the EU Sustainable Energy Week.

The seminar aims at convincing local authorities and joining forces to develop both renewable energy projects at local level and re-invest...

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On June 15-16, Cooperatives Europe will be participating in several events within the framework of the Expo in Milan.

June 15 | Cooperatives Europe will speak at the conference Feeding the Planet Post-2015. Decent job, Youth, Gender equality organised by Coopermondo in partnership with Cooperatives Europe (see the programme below)....

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To shape a society that can enhance the role of younger generations, their political and civic participation is of utmost importance. But youth participation in business is important too, and there might be an unexploited potential in there. With this workshop, we would like to raise awareness about business models...