Collaboration in times of crisis: Community-driven innovation for a digital future


_SCC 2nd event

On August 26 the Sharing, Collaboration, Cooperation (SCC) Erasmus+ project hosted its final event to present its outcomes and conclusions. Together we explored the impact of the Covid-19 crisis on co-working spaces, and their subsequent transformation into inclusive collaborative spaces.

The past two years have proven to be challenging, the Covid-19 pandemic completely altered the way we collaborate and proved to accelerate the transition towards alternative ways of working. In this final event we explore the possibilities of community-driven innovation and the transition towards an inclusive digital society.

Attendees learned more about the potential of collaborative spaces in the future of work, the future of education, and development of the collaborative economy. Final recommendations to the development of a common rationale for innovation communities, co-working spaces and education institutions were presented.

Watch the recordings here:

The agenda:


10:30 – 10:40 Welcome
10:40 – 11:00 Presentation of SCC project and its outputs
11:00 – 11:20 Presentation of Caracol toolkit 
11:20 – 12:00 Report of local events, an interview with partners
12:00 – 12:20 Intervention by the University of Genoa 
12:20 – 12:30 Morning session conclusions

12:30 – 14:00 Lunch Break


14:00 – 14:10 Welcome
14:10 – 14:30 Collaborative spaces in Quebec
14:30 – 15:00 Presentation of the recommendations
15:00 – 15:30 Debate about the future perspectives for collaborative spaces and education 
15:30 – 15:50 Q&A with viewers
15:50 – 16:00 Conclusions


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