
Logo REScoop 20-20-20 (hight resolution)

There has been a recognition that cooperatives can make an impact in the area of renewable energy. Therefore, alongside our Energy Working Group Cooperatives Europe has become a partner of the REScoop project. REScoops are Renewable Energy Source cooperatives.

Cooperatives Europe is one of twelve organizations taking part in REScoop project funded for three years.

The aim of the project is to speed up local renewable energy projects in order to achieve the European 20-20-20 energy goals by increasing the involvement of citizens. Specifically, REScoop 20-20-20 aims to increase the social acceptance of new renewable energy installations by sharing practical knowledge about setting up and running local, citizen controlled Renewable Energy Sources cooperatives (or REScoops) across Europe. The overall goal is to speed up the creation of RES projects and related cooperatives in various Member States.

This will be achieved by gathering the experience of more than 400 local and regional groups and cooperatives of citizens, joining their forces, and by raising financial and technical support for new projects. The three main areas of work will involve:

  • An inventory of existing REScoops, their RES-projects and the experienced people behind them, with an analysis of their added value in fostering RES in Europe.

  • Testing methodologies based on best practices (business structures/financing) in at least 12 new REScoop pilot projects.

  • The dissemination of cooperative RES-approaches for leveraging the REScoop approach.

You can find more information on the project on REScoop project website

You can register your own REScoop to be included in the inventory here

Find out more about Cooperative Europe’s general work on Energy and the Environment please click here


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