Caracol toolkit released – SCC

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Sharing, Collaboration, Cooperation (SCC) project, led by Cooperatives Europe, has released the Caracol toolkit. 

This toolkit is a one-stop-shop for catalyst agents of collaborative experiences willing to involve academic institutions, students, citizens, organisations in the set up and creation of collaborative spaces, as well as opening up their training and learning offer to collaborative spaces and communities.

A practical checklist for cooperation

The toolkit guides the user in the creation process on four key topics: 

  • Build your community 
  • From space to place
  • Service and interior design
  • Knowledge, skills and experience

It should be used as a general guide, a checklist to follow during the community engagement, space, services and learning offer design process. For every step, one or more open tools are referenced to obtain deeper and more detailed practical instruments.

Discover it here


What is SCC?

SCC (Sharing, Collaboration, Cooperation) is a strategic partnership that unites co-working spaces, higher education institutions, innovation communities, international networks and umbrella organizations, with the general objective of stimulating the development of collaborative spaces for innovation and anticipating the transition to a digital society. Find out more here. 

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