MEPs adopt common corporate tax proposals


On 15th March, the Members of the European Parliament approved the Corporate Tax Reforms package encompassing the Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (CCCTB – Rapporteur Alain Lamassoure, EPP, FR) and the Common Corporate Tax Base (CCTB) which is a complementary measure that creates the basis for a harmonized corporate tax system.

The package will see companies being taxed where they earn profits for a harmonized corporate tax system which also considers their digital sphere of activities to calculate their tax, resulting in a business-friendly environment within the Single Market as well as combatting aggressive tax planning to prevent tax avoidance. 

Cooperatives Europe welcomes the resolution due to which, thanks to our awareness-raising campaign, specific exemptions have been included and approved by the European Parliament that duly consider the specificities of cooperatives and grants specific exemptions for them within the CCTB (Rapporteur, Paul Tang, S&D, NL). Together with members such as Confcooperative and Copa-Cogeca, we have worked to put forward and ensure the consideration of existing fiscal legislations of several Member States concerning the specific features that recognize and protect cooperative enterprises.

The resolutions will now be go through the Council for consideration where we hope to see a similar decision taking into account the specificities of cooperative enterprises.

Read the resolution here.

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