Input to the EU action plan for social economy

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In view of the upcoming action plan for social economy to be adopted by the Commission at the end of this year, Cooperatives Europe provided input to the roadmap through its European Union Coordination Committee.

Our position highlights the following priorities which should be addressed in the upcoming action plan: (i) Increasing the visibility and knowledge of cooperatives and social economy enterprises (SEE) in general, and recognise them as a transversal actors in the socio-economic policies of the EU. (ii) Providing an ecosystem conducive to the development of coops and other SEE, in particular by facilitating access to finance and investments, creating quality jobs and enabling them to fully operate at transnational level within the Single Market. (iii) Placing cooperatives and other SEE at the heart of technological innovation, green and digital transition and therefore allowing significant investments for our enterprises in this field.

In support of our claims, Cooperatives Europe also provided two separate position papers that address more in details matters specifically related to the EU, but also to international development: the #coops4dev team collaborated with the Cooperatives Europe Development Platform (CEDP) on the position paper on the international dimension of the social economy action plan.

View the position papers below.

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