Cooperative entrepreneurship in higher education



Cooperatives contribute to entrepreneurship, job creation, providing access to finance, ensuring inclusive and gender-balanced green growth, and stimulating the economic and social progress at a community level.

Despite their economic and societal importance, cooperatives are underrepresented in the university curricula.

The lack of cooperative entrepreneurship education is precisely the main topic of Coop4Edu, an Erasmus+ Project Cooperatives Europe is a partner of, led by the University of Alcala.

Join Coop4Edu on 17th and 24th of November for its final events and discover the educational material on cooperative entrepreneurship developed by the partners, as well as the potential of dissemination of these teaching modules with the policy-makers, academia, expert community, cooperatives, and all other interested stakeholders in the development of education on cooperative entrepreneurship. 

17 November
Led by KU Leuven
Didactics of cooperative entrepreneurship and how the educational material can be extended and adapted to local needs.
Keynote speaker: Dr. Ruth Yeoman, Oxford University

24 November
Led by Cooperatives Europe
Policy making and integration cooperative entrepreneurship in(higher) education policy.
Keynote speaker: Patrick Klein, EU Commission, Head of Sector, Social Economy and Social Enterprises

Full programme and registration


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